He Who Transplanted Still Sustains

Chris Cullina, the founder and owner of Transtulit, named his consulting business after the state motto of Connecticut, where he was born and raised.

The consummate “transplant”, Chris was drawn to Oregon’s complex character — a balance of rugged individualism and collaborative spirit — that can’t be engineered anywhere else. Oregon sustains him. And he, in turn, sustains its wineries, both fledgling and established. Transtulit, with Chris at the helm, will take your winery where it needs to go. He’ll assess the opportunities and potential of your wine brand, cut through the fat, and craft a sound business plan that ensures steady growth and profitability.


Experience. Business Savvy. Personality.

After nearly two decades in the Oregon wine industry, Chris launched Transtulit in 2018. Prior to Transtulit, Chris headed up sales and marketing for Argyle Winery for sixteen years. He was instrumental in making Argyle an Oregon icon and bringing international recognition to Willamette Valley wines. Deeply respected for his industry knowledge, business acumen, and likeability, Chris has sold more wine than anyone else in Oregon. Chris spent twelve years in the food and wine industry in Washington D.C. as proprietor of a restaurant and retail wine business before landing in the Pacific Northwest.